Saturday, May 3, 2014

Outside Play

I am so excited to finally be able to let the kids play outside again. Well, I was, before it got all cold and rainy again.

It's amazing to me how different the kids are when they're outside versus when they're holed up and can't run around. They're the same kids, obviously, but they are so much happier.

Personally, I'm all about letting children roll around in the dirt and have fun getting filthy if that's what they want to do. I can always bathe them right?

These five are amazing with entertaining themselves, especially when they're in the backyard. I'm almost always out there with them, but they can spend hours just swinging and running around.

In fact, Little Man and the twins are on the swings so often, they make me dizzy (I don't particularly do well on swings myself). Here Little Man is questioning why I stopped pushing him because he'd been happily swinging for fifteen minutes before I stopped to take the picture.

Let me tell you, pushing three toddlers that all want to go at different speeds on their swings, is hard work. I was definitely sore all over the next day. No gym membership needed for me!

What fun stories do you have about playing outside? Write them in the comments!
