Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Twins Tuesday: Fetch

Happy Tuesday everybody. Wait... you're tell me it's not Tuesday? I've missed an entire day? Whoops; I will reevaluate my internal calendar later. (I blame daylight savings.)

Now that I've gotten my head on straight, on with the story.

Mr. Mischief has decided to go through an animal phase. Sometimes he pretends he's a puppy, and sometimes it's a cat. It's quite hilarious actually, especially when I'm sitting on the couch reading to the twins, and all of the sudden he looks at me and goes, "Meow!" It's adorable.

I've become relatively used to him doing this, and I'll even accept him crawling around and "barking." But I was thoroughly surprised last week when he started playing fetch with me.

Mr. Mischief playing fetch would be one thing, but the fact that he... well, you can just watch the video.

Let me give you some background before you do, though. Before I got my phone out to start filming, he brought me the giant Lego. It was in his mouth; then he dropped it in my lap. He's taking his puppy routine very seriously.

This cracked me up so much I had to share it. It's just one tiny reason why I love these guys so much.

Well, until next time, what animal imitating stories do you have? Leave them in the comments.

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