Thursday, March 6, 2014

Twins Tuesdays: Choo Choos

I am again late with my Twins Tuesday, but I hope you will forgive me.

Last week I was able to spend some time drawing with the twins. As a teacher I looked at drawing as an opportunity to further develop their fine motor skills; as two year-olds, they see it as a way to scribble and fight over the crayons.

On this particular occasion though, Mr. Mischief decided he wanted to draw a Choo Choo. This is understandable because of the amount of times he's brought his Doodle Sketch to me, repeating the words "Choo Choo" over and over until I drew one.

Wanting to use any moment I could as a teaching moment, I immediately starting drawing with him, using the hand over hand method. This method is used quite a lot with older kids who have special needs, such as in this video, but can also be used with preschool kids just learning to read.

It was amazing for me to see how both Mr. Mischief and Gurlicue responded to the exercise. Mr. Mischief, who really just wanted a picture of a Choo Choo, was really easy-going and let me do most of the work. Gurlicue, who really takes pride in all of her drawings, on the other hand, was a little more resistant to my guidance.

I could tell she wanted to be independent, but she also wanted to draw the Choo Choo right, so she allowed me to help.

Both pictures turned out brilliantly though:

I know this isn't really a funny story post, but I found the exercise really interesting, as a future teacher. What do you guys think about hand over hand? Take my poll and let me know what you think.

As always, I'd love to hear anything you guys think about this topic, so comment with your opinions or stories.


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