Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Twins Tuesdays: Naps

When Gurlicue and Mr. Mischief aren't running around trying to find trouble the can get into, they usually look like this:


Yes, that is Gurlicue falling asleep on my chest; it was as adorable as it sounds. The best part of seeing the twins fall asleep isn't the fact that I get a reprieve from the commotion that they create when they're awake, although that is a nice added bonus. The best part is seeing all the weird places they accomplish this feat.

I am the type of person who really needs a bed in order to fly off to dreamland, but these two are an entirely different story. One would think that the corner of a couch, and on top of the babysitter would be pretty unconventional places to fall asleep, but the pictures above are actually pretty tame, compared to where I've seen them.

Here's a few examples:

off the edge of the couch
I still don't know exactly how Mr. Mischief fell asleep this way. However, my suspicion is that he was angry (probably with me) and in his attempt to not look at me, he threw his head onto the cushion, but simply did not have the strength to lift it again. (Sorry for the poor quality of this photo, it was the only one I could take before on of the other kids pulled me away.)

on top of a pile of coats and laundry
This one was taken after a jaunt out into the snow. I don't think she made it five minutes before succumbing to the need to nap.

in the highchair
When I first started babysitting for this family, the twins were not yet two, and sometimes they didn't make it all the way through lunch. I can't imagine how his neck would've felt if I hadn't moved him.

And very rarely, they fall asleep in their actual beds.

Gurlicue and Mr. Mischief are a lot of fun to run around and play with, but they're so incredibly cute when they're sleeping, and sometimes even snoring a bit.

I promise I will introduce you to the oldest two of my charges, but for now, what are your funny sleeping stories? And what do you think of mine? Leave your stories or opinions on adorable sleeping toddlers in the comments.



  1. I am also one of those people who can fall asleep anywhere, anyplace, anytime, as long as I'm tired. I know the weirdest place I've fallen asleep was on the floor of a van. Yay for crammed buses going on a missions trip to Florida, I guess? However, I've also found some pretty awesome places to fall asleep around campus, such as the English majors lounge. Of course, I prefer my own bed, when you're in college and barely get sleep as it is, you take sleep when and where you can get it. Or I do at least.

    1. I've known a lot of people who can do this too, and I have to admit to falling asleep on sports buses in high school. I think it all boils down to how comfortable you are in different situations. I'm a very anxious person, so for me to fall asleep with other people around is not likely going to happen. Thank you for sharing your story.

  2. This is amazing. I have a one year old who refuses to sleep anywhere but her own crib and by herself. I try all the time to get her to nap on the couch with me or on road trips to fall asleep in her car seat but she refuses. How in the world do you get them to do this? Do you tire them out with a lot of playing first? either way, its amazing and wonderful to see pictures like this.

    1. I actually don't really do anything. They don't have particularly regular schedules for their naps, so I tend to just wait them out. Often after lunch I'll let them run around and play for a while, and then start reading a few books to them before I let them watch an episode of Curious George or something. Usually it's during George that they fall asleep. Often though, they won't quite make it to the half hour of downtime. Sometimes I'll be playing with them, and they'll get really upset about something really little, such as dropping a toy car on their foot. Then they start crying and they're dead to the world within two minutes. So usually it's nothing that I do; it's just how they are.

  3. These kids are so adorable! I prefer sleeping in a bed like you, but sometimes I have to settle for what I can get. The weirdest places I have ever fallen asleep were in the closet and under the bed. Both times I was playing hide-and-seek with my sister and became too tired to go on. You have no idea how bewildering it was to wake up in such strange places! How do the twins react when you wake them up unexpectedly?

    1. I can't imagine waking up like that. When the twins fall asleep somewhere, I usually wait a little while so they can properly fall asleep, and then I'll take them up to their beds. Usually they then wake up independently in their beds, so I can only assume they believe they telleported there the way I used when my dad would do that. Sometimes though, they rouse when I pick them up. When that happens, they tend to look really confused, but relax when I tell them that I'm taking them to bed. They are pretty used to it at this point; the first few times I did it were a different story. However, they tend to just be really sleepy, so they don't care much what I'm doing.

  4. This is hilarious and really makes you think about how easy it is for children to fall asleep absolutely anywhere. Whenever I have my nephew he falls asleep in the car. His little neck has to be stiff when he wakes up because as he sleeps his head is resting on his shoulder. When I was a nanny and sent a child in her room for a nap she fell asleep in front of the door. I had never really thought about how uncomfortable it must have been to fall asleep like that as a child. This is a great post.

    1. The twins, as well as all the other children in the family, seem pretty comfortable wherever they fall asleep. Mr. Mischief has spent a lot of time on floors as well (and once on the second floor of the family's doll house), but he never seems uncomfortable when he wakes. I agree that, at least as an adult, some of the places and positions kids fall asleep in would be painful later. Then again, their little bodies seem a lot more pliant than mine, so maybe it's just that they're more flexible in general.
