Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Twins Tuesdays

Lucy and Indiana, 2 years
Welcome to the first weekly Twins Tuesdays. I know what you're thinking, "But Lyndsey, it's Wednesday, not Tuesday." Yes, I know, but I had a family medical emergency yesterday, which prevented me from posting until now.

These lovely two-year olds are Indiana and Lucy, or as I like to call them, Mr. Mischief and Gurlicue. They are adorable little jumping beans of energy, and they're the subjects of this theme day.

Every Tuesday I will post something about the twins; whether or not it will sufficiently entertain you is yet to be seen. For the sake of full disclosure, I must inform you that I myself am a twin. Therefore I pretend to have a lot of insight into twins, even though I know nothing more than my own experience.

But enough with all of that, and on with the story. A few weeks ago I was watching Mr. Mischief and Gurlicue playing with their cars. They spend a lot of time doing this, especially when their brother isn't home to steal the cars away. They also spend quite a large amount of time throwing things, sometimes at each other.

I am currently convinced that this incident was actually an accident. Nevertheless, while the twins were throwing a few of the cars across the room, one of them catapulted from Gurlicue's fingers and landed square on Mr. Mischief's forehead. 

This too, is not a novel occurance, but what happened next was.

I immediately opened my arms to offer comfort to Mr. Mischief, who had already started crying. It was after about five seconds of this, when I looked over at Gurlicue to see her crying as emphatically as her brother and holding her forehead in her hands. 

They both went on like this for a little while; actually Gurlicue was upset for longer than Mr. Mischief. And though I have never been a believer in the idea that twins have telepathic powers (it has never happened with my sister and me), this did make me laugh.

Now that I've finished with my little story, I'd like to hear what you guys think about twin telepathy, or some of your own stories.

Also, if you want to see a few sets of twins testing their telepathy skills, check out Jack and Finn Harries, and the Merrell Twins. I also found a video of stuff people say to twins that I found hilarious and truthful.


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