Monday, February 17, 2014

What Does It Really Mean to be a Babysitter?

David, 15 months
I've been babysitting for this Little Man since he was less than a month old, and his siblings for five months before that. But it only took five minutes for me to absolutely fall in love with every single one of them. This fact brings me to my question: What does it really mean to be a babysitter?

When I first started, I expected babysitting to be an opportunity to gain experience with young children, a chance to earn a little extra cash between classes, and maybe even a way to try out some of the teaching techniques I was learning at school. All of these expectations have come to fruition, but I've also found something more, a connection.

I have no idea what being a parent feels like. I do, however, know what it feels like to watch these kids run up to me when I walk in the door or "heal" bumps, bruises, and hurt feelings with whispers, hugs, and songs.

Pictures such as this one could be capturing just how engrained into these children's lives I am, and they in mine. However, they could also represent a simple request for a drink or a diaper change.

I recently found a video on Vimeo of Doug Sterbenz describing the differences between parents and babysitters at a leadership conference. Sterbenz works within the business world, not that of childcare, but I found his take on babysitters interesting. His perspective on babysitting has not equaled my experience; however, I realize that I am different from most babysitters. I am not a teenager looking for a way to bolster my allowance; I am seeking a meaningful experience.

In contrast to Sterbenz, I also found a post about the top ten reasons why babysitters love what they do. I will admit that this list comes from a site that connects babysitters with parents and is therefore most likely biased, nonetheless, I believe these statements are true for some babysitters.

To me, this is more than a job, but I'm interested in other views. Therefore I'm asking all of you to write your opinions in the comments. What does it really mean to be a babysitter?


(image credit: provided by author)


  1. I watched the short video clip you included and found it very interesting. From the perspective of a business management major, it is fascinating how the speaker related being a parent with running a business. The short video gave me a better understanding of the topic of being a parent vs. being a babysitter and also how it related to business. Regardless, this sounds like a rewarding job. Do you think your babysitting prepares you for your teaching career?

    1. I most definitely feel that it prepares me for teaching, if only to give me more exposure to children. I know that I have different goals for my job than many other babysitters, but I was surprised with how few experiences like mine I could find. It's interesting to hear from another person in the business world, though, thanks.

  2. I think that the branding is good on this blog, and the content is very personal and a reader is able to relate, whether they are a babysitter or not. I am a parent myself, but getting to know how you feel about children and babysitting from a person who is not a parent is refreshing. Great post!

    1. Thank you, I'm glad this is coming across well, and that you think my point of view is refreshing and not annoying. I have always thought that leaving your children in the care of a virtual stranger would be terrifying; and there's only so much that I can remember to tell parents when they get home. Therefore, I'm really glad you are interested in my opinion. Thanks for sharing.

  3. The emotion and personal experience within this post is amazing. I really ejoyed reading it and found it very interesting. The links within the post capture the readers attention. Great Job!

    1. Thank you. I am a very passionate person, especially when it concerns children. In my opinion, babysitting should mean more than getting a little extra cash, but I know that's not usually the case. I definitely believe that the fact that I want to be a teacher predisposes me to have more of an emotional response to babysitting. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it.
