Thursday, February 13, 2014

About This Blog

 As a babysitter, I have a million and one stories about my charges. Okay, I may be exaggerating just a bit, but seriously, it's a lot. Since I have all of these stories and no one really to share them with, because my family is sick of hearing them, I thought I'd write them down here.

Primarily this blog will serve as something of a journal of my experiences. Nevertheless, it is imperative that I inform you that I am a college student, studying to become a teacher, and therefore there will most likely be times that I analyze my own stories for their implications concerning my future teaching career.

For the past year and a half, I've been babysitting almost exclusively for a couple with five children, at one point all under the age of five (there is one set of twins). Therefore, most if not all my posts will involve this family. Don't worry though, I have the parents' permission to post about their children.

There's a good chance that if you keep coming back to this blog, you'll see stories that will hopefully make you laugh (because kids are hilarious) and maybe even cringe (because I tend to make a lot of mistakes), as well as some pictures and videos of these five amazingly adorable kids with whom I have irrevocably fallen in love.

Lastly, I promise I'm almost done with all this expositional humdrum, as we are all at the very least sons and daughters, if not parents or babysitters, I highly encourage comments and discussion. If you're reading this (first of all, thanks, you're awesome), I greatly value your opinion, even if it differs from mine. Feel free to respond to my stories and tell me your own.

I'm looking forward to this journey, we'll see how it goes.


 P.S. I have a little bit of housekeeping to which I must attend. Credit for my background image goes to


  1. I don't have any children for you to babysit, but if I did, I'd hire you. This is a great idea for a business. All of my friends are always scrambling to find child care for the rare night out on the town. Your love of what you do and the humor you have in sharing your passion really speaks to me. There might be a few recommendations in your near future, since I was wrangled into sitting for one of my friend's this weekend - lol.

    1. Thank you so much. It means a lot to me that you would say something like this. I sometimes feel like I'm getting too attached, so it's nice to know that not everyone thinks I'm completely crazy.
